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Link to complete Carbon Footprint Spreadsheet

Table 1

Table expanding each "Scope" as defined by the Carbon Footprint Calculator. The total emissions for each category are outlined and the net emissions for each Scope is measured on the far right.

Figure 1

Pie graph representation of the data presented in Table 1. Each sub-category is labeled and the percentage, which makes up the net emissions, of the total is displayed.

Figure 2

Pie graph representation of each Scope as detailed in Table 1.

Scope 1= Direct emissions from sources that are owned and/or controlled by each institution.

Ex: On-Campus Stationary Sources, Direct Transportation Sources, Refrigeration and Other Chemicals, Agriculture.


Scope 2= Indirect emissions from sources that are neither owned nor operated by your institution but whose products are directly linked to on- campus energy consumption.

Ex: Purchased Electricity, Purchased Steam, Purchased Chilled Water.


Scope 3= Emissions attributed to your institution, deemed “optional” emissions by corporate inventories. This includes emissions from sources that are neither owned nor operated by your institution but are either directly financed or are otherwise linked to the campus via influence or encouragement.

Ex: Solid Waste, Directly Financed Outsourced Transportation, Commuting, Study Aboard Air Travel, Transportation and Distributed Losses from Purchased Energy, Upstream Emissions from Directly Financed Purchases.


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